


Shipping Policies

  1. Shipping cost is calculated based on the weight of products + packing boxes, and your destination countries
  2. For liquid/cream items, eg. Resin, Deco Cream etc, additional handling fee is charged by Post Office, so you will find the shipping cost is higher when you add any liquid item in your shopping cart.
  3. Overcharged shipping cost, if any, will be refunded to you.
  4. We will not be held responsible if the parcels are withheld by the custom in your destination countries and returned back to us. Buyers will be responsible for paying additional shipping cost for reshipping your order. We can process refund for the product price for craft supply only, not for personalized products (not shipping charges as your order has been shipped to you but it is returned to us) if you want to cancel the returned order.
  5. We will not be held responsible for any unclaimed parcels delivered to your destination countries, or returned parcels due to incorrect address provided to us.  Buyers will be responsible for paying additional shipping cost for reshipping your order. We can process refund for craft supply items only, not personalized products (not included shipping charges as your order has been shipped to you but it is returned to us) if you want to cancel the order.
  6. Please always double check your shipping address before and after you submit your order to make sure that it is correct and complete.


Compensation of Shipping Cost  and Damaged Item During Delivery Process

  1. We compensate the product cost only, exclude shipping charges (we have fulfilled and shipped your order to you but it is lost due to your local post service carelessness, so we are unable to refund shipping charges) if your parcel is lost in delivery.  However, we will not compensate any cost if the online tracking result shows that your parcel has been delivered successfully but you claim that you do not receive it.
  2. We compensate the damaged item costs if it is damaged during delivery process. Please snap (a) photo of the box before you unbox it when you find that the box is damaged at the point of time you receive it. Then, (b) snap a photo of the damaged item and send all the photos to for us to submit for insurance claims. We cannot compensate you without providing us photos (a) and (b) as we believe that if the box is intact, not damaged, the items in the box which have been wrapped properly would not be broken or damaged by itself.
  3. We do not compensate both product & shipping cost if your parcel is returned to us due to unclaimed parcels because of incorrect and incomplete address provided to us or you did not collect the parcel left in post office for collection.
  4. We do not compensate both product & shipping cost if your parcel is withheld by your local custom.  We can refund the product cost for craft supplies only, not personalized products if your parcel is returned back to us, and not the shipping cost. We have fulfilled the order and it has been shipped to your destination country, so we are unable to refund shipping cost.


Shipping Method

  1. China Post/USPS/AusPos/Royal Mail/Canada Post/etc: For parcels below 2kg, without liquid
  2. China Post: For parcels below 2kg, with liquid


Shipping Time

Please refer under "FAQ" Item 2.


Free Shipping

Yes, we have free shipping for order amount (after discount, if any) above AU$250. 
When your shopping cart total order amount is above AU$250, "Free Shipping" option will appear in the Shipping Method option, please click and select "Free Shipping" then proceed to checkout your shopping cart.


Refund of shipping cost

We process refund of overcharged shipping cost, if any.  Please allow us at least 1-2 days to process the refund.  We will send an email notification after we issue refund of overcharged shipping cost.


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